Upcoming Exhibition

I remember the exact moment I first saw a photograph of Lofoten. Nothing I had seen before even came close and I found it hard to believe that it was a real place. This was years ago, when I wasn’t even dreaming of becoming a photographer. I wasn’t sure about many things at the time, but one thing I knew beyond any doubt: that one day I would explore the Norwegian archipelago. Having seen it in hundreds of photographs throughout the years had not prepared me for the beauty that nature etched into this land. Green mountains rising from the depths of the Norwegian sea carry the stories of the last 2 billion years. Peaks bearing the black scars of ancient earthquakes, shores covered in wildflowers and turquoise clear waters are cradles of life where you can find elks, foxes, stoats, whales, seals, fish and numerous birds.

The avian species found in Lofoten include sea eagles, arctic terns, black guillemot, puffins, grouse, oystercatchers, eiders and kittiwakes and whether wintering or migratory, all birds need protection when nesting…


In August I visited the North York Moors National Park for my Treasure project. I took the train from London to Scarborough. I made my way through wheat fields and forests towards Blakey Topping. My train was late that morning which made me lose my connection and I arrived an hour late in Yorkshire. I was trying to get to the Hole of Horcum by sunset and I was running out of time.

Read more here.